Bimbo Banter

Celebrating 55 Years of “The World of Henry Orient”

  • Trends
  • March 19, 2019
  • by Merrie Spaeth

Today is a special day for me. It’s the anniversary of the release of “The World of Henry Orient,” the movie I did with Peter Sellers and Angela Lansbury. Just five years ago, I was back on the red carpet in Los Angeles at the Turner Classic Film Festival to honor the movie’s 50th anniversary.

If you’re in the mood for a delightful romp of two teenagers (me and Tippy Walker) tormenting a womanizer and shmaltzy concert pianist (Peter Sellers’ character), “The World of Henry Orient” has been described as the quintessential New York City movie. George Roy Hill was the director and always said it was his favorite movie. Elmer Bernstein (brother of Leonard and a top composer in his own right) did the score.

Who said, “gratitude is the right attitude”? I’ve had many blessings in my life but being chosen to star in this movie changed my life. It was the U.S. nominee to the Cannes International Film Festival, and I attended as the U.S. representative, which was another wonderful honor and experience. I also hosted an American hot dog fest in Cannes, France in 1965. You can imagine how well that was received…not!

For more Henry Orient, watch the full playlist of stories I shared in honor of the TCM festival and check out the movie for yourself.

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