Bimbo Banter

Are We On to Sacha Baron Cohen?

  • Wildcard
  • July 17, 2018
  • by Merrie Spaeth

Sacha Baron Cohen is at it again with a show, “Who is America?” on Showtime. His first show aired an “interview” in his persona rightwing redneck character Billy Wayne Ruddick with 2016 presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders. He has notched up a number of other celebrities and ordinary Americans he can make look stupid and racist.

We just got an email from one of our own clients that Cohen and cast, or rather Billy Wayne and pals, tried to con them into a tour of their organization. We’ve worked hard with this client to articulate their message. I cannot tell you the client because they were suspicious from the beginning of Billy Wayne’s son who claimed they were from Tennessee. Terrific, said our client, so are we! Things went downhill, or rather out the door and into the street.

Who was it that said, “Trust but verify?” 

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