You might think that common sense would keep people from saying things like our winning BIMBOs for 2015, but it doesn’t. In fact, our natural habits are frequently dangerous. The BIMBO award is just an opportunity for us to remind people that we tend to start with “What do I want to say?” or “What do I think this person needs to know?” or whatever pops into our minds. Remember, your listener or audience only remembers A LITTLE!!! Our goal is to understand that and influence it.
Usually, we’re reminding you not to repeat and deny a negative suggested by someone else such as a reporter. (“What are you trying to cover up?” “We’re not covering up anything.”) But the top three BIMBOs for 2015 are all self-inflicted. So, read them and say “Ouch!” Share them with others, just as a learning tool of course. (And, if anyone knows Martin Shkreli, CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals, send this along. Maybe he has recently hired better advisers because he didn’t use his mouth as a deadly weapon when he was arrested Dec. 17.)
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