Donald Trump’s most recent quote in The Washington Post should officially disqualify him from becoming the Republican nominee for President. There has been such a stream of “bad words” from Trump that it has been hard to identify the most outrageous – until now.
Sunday, speaking to reporters on Long Island, Trump repeated his claim that the nomination process is “rigged” and “100 percent corrupt,” sensational enough charges, but he also stated that his supporters would be “angry” and that “I hope it doesn’t involve violence. I hope it doesn’t. I’m not suggesting that. I hope it doesn’t involve violence, and I don’t think it will.” Talk about beating a dead horse.
As readers of our BIMBO memo know, repeating and denying a negative causes the listener to overlook the denial and hear the opposite of what the speaker is trying to say. The Donald is doing a “wink wink” to his supporters, and he knows it. He has previously encouraged supporters to physically eject protestors from public sessions and has said he would pay legal bills for people who might get into altercations on his behalf. Anyone who wishes to be President of the United States must understand the most important principle of leadership, to communicate the behavior one wishes to inspire in the American people and to understand that talk about anger and violence become contagious. It’s a virus we should fear and shun.
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