“What’s a hashtag?”
My father (who qualifies for the senior discount some places but not most places) asked me in the midst of a normal phone conversation. At first, I thought he was joking. Perhaps he had seen the same PR Daily article as me. No, he was serious.
Have you or someone you know asked this question recently? Are you wondering what’s got everyone “tweetering” and overusing the “pound” symbol? Then, welcome to a new series on the Spaeth blog: Social Media 101.
We’re starting on #FF because you might see this tweet if you head to our @SpaethCom Twitter account:
Love our new website? Follow @peoplewhothink (winners of more than 90 addys!) #FF
— SpaethCommunications (@SpaethCom) September 19, 2014
Lost? Let me translate for you: “If you like our new website, you should follow Innovative Advertising (winner of more than 90 addys!). We’re tweeting this as part of a phenomenon known as ‘Follow Friday’ where users like to share other great accounts to follow.”
Here’s how I got there:
Stay tuned for more Social Media 101 from the Spaeth team!
P.S. My father now proudly uses hashtags on Twitter to enter contests and share photos from events. He might even tweet a link to this post.
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