Many of you know our little peach stucco building is falling to Dallas’ development, so we’re moving. We tell clients to embrace change, so now we have to take our own advice. With the move, we have to downsize the number of books in our library. When Reagan’s Attorney General William French Smith hired my late husband, Tex, he brought us a trunk of books, a collection he started when working for President Nixon.
Besides some of the standard bearers, he had books of presidential humor, sage comments from people like the now-late-William Safire (Good Advice), military quotations and books of what happened on each day of the year in Texas and U.S.
Over the years, I have used the books to find quotes and interesting facts to include in speeches. Today, all this information is theoretically available on the Internet, although I find that there’s too much choice on the Internet. Like Tex, I started collecting quotes on my own and, with his encouragement, have built up a massive collection on my computer.
So, if anyone knows a young, eager speechwriter who would like to take over these books, let me know. I’d like to pass them on, and I know Tex would approve.
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