Bimbo Banter

BIMBO Nominees for October 2023

  • Bimbo
  • September 29, 2023
  • by Spaeth Communications

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What a month! President of the Spanish National Soccer Federation sets himself up for what you might predict would happen (and it did.) Elon Musk with a twisted BIMBO plus additional strange comments. National Association of Realtors CEO missed the @metoo movement. Congressman Ken Burk is job hunting while Alabama State Representative John Rogers denies bribery. Not to be missed, Rolling Stone Magazine founder Jann Wenner gives a horrible interview – but a great learning lesson.  


“Bad judgment is not a crime,” was the headline quoting Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy defending former president Donald Trump. His actual quote, “I do draw a distinction…Between bad behavior and illegal behavior,” was weasel-like to ABC. Ramaswamy has gone all in praising Trump. He forgot that bad judgment is not what we want in a president. It reminds me of what FBI Director, William Webster told his special assistants. “Use good judgment.” How do you get good judgment? “From the times you’ve used bad judgment.”   

ABC News, “Pressed on Trump's conduct, Ramaswamy argues: ‘Bad judgment’ is not ‘a crime’,” Sept. 3, 2023


“There is no cause for panic,” claimed Marian Goodell, CEO of the Burning Man festival in the Nevada desert. It was pummeled this year by heavy rains causing at least one death and the isolation of festival goers at the remote location as vehicles were stuck in mud. Doubling down, Goodell said, “We do not see this as an evacuation situation.” At least several people, including comedian Chris Rock, filed reports and pictures of hiking out through six miles of mud. Throughout the weekend, even attendees doubled down on BIMBO comments. Two attendees claimed in a lengthy piece by The New York Times, “Burners aren’t victims,” and,amid stories of lack of food and water, insisted, “This is not ‘Hunger Games.’”

NBC News, “Burning Man crowd stuck in muddy venue, but there's 'no cause for panic,' CEO says,” Sept. 4, 2023

“This is not a ransom,” said White House spokesman John Kirby over the announcement of the transfer of $6 billion of frozen Iranian oil funds and five Iranians in exchange for five American citizens being held by Iran. Kirby doubled down with the denials, adding that “Iran will be getting no sanctions relief,” and “These aren’t U.S. taxpayer dollars.”

The Hill, “White House: Prisoner deal with Iran ‘is not a ransom’,” Sept. 13, 2023

“I will not resign,” said Luis Rubiales, president of Spain’s national soccer federation. The defiant executive was criticized for grabbing Jennifer Hermosa, a member of the Women’s World Cup winning team and giving her a smack on the lips. He claims it was consensual. She says it wasn’t. Regardless of your perception, we’re following the communication conundrum. Usually, when someone says “I won’t...” you don’t have to wait long until they do. Plus, this is one of those situations where he should have quickly apologized and –wait for it—the apology should have been accepted. The controversy has distracted from what should have been a national celebration over Spain’s first-ever Women’s World Cup title. It almost is really about bigger issues, particularly the long running spat with the team’s coach, Jorge Vilda, who was dismissive and vindictive towards women players who voiced a number of complaints. Rubiales backed Vilda. Update: Rubiales resigned.

The New York Times, “Pressure Mounts on Spanish Soccer Chief Over Nonconsensual Kiss at World Cup,” Aug. 29, 2023

“I haven’t done anything wrong,” said Alabama Democrat State Representative John Rogers after being indicted for one count of obstruction of justice by bribery. Rogers allegedly tried to bribe someone to lie to a federal official about a kickback scheme. Doubling down, he continued, “I wouldn’t do anything that stupid." Insisting he would be found innocent, he finished off announcing “I’ll enjoy kicking their ass.” We’ll follow along.

The Daily Beast, "Lawmaker Swears He’s Innocent as Feds Hit Him With Obstruction Charges," Sept. 27, 2023


“AI has a nonzero chance of annihilating humanity,” said Elon Musk at a Wall Street Journal event in May, but we missed it. However, it made news again as AI continues to be at the forefront of discussion.  It’s an interesting twist on a negative. “Nonzero” means there is some chance. However, Musk has launched an AI company of his own, so he apparently doesn’t intend for the threat to be personal. Also making news, Musk announced he is suing the venerable Anti-Defamation League claiming it is “primarily” responsible for a 60 percent drop in advertising on X, formerly known as Twitter, posting “I’m pro free speech, but against anti-Semitism of any kind.” However, he endorsed a tweet from a self-described “raging anti-semite.” This all qualifies as weird and potentially signals what we’re writing on elsewhere – that Musk has built a bubble around himself so he’s listening only to what people tell him he wants to hear. The Vox and Forbes articles hyperlinked within this entry are an excellent analysis of anti-Semitism and worth reading because of Musk’s exceptionally high profile as a business leader.

The Wall Street Journal, “How Worried Should We Be About AI’s Threat to Humanity? Even Tech Leaders Can’t Agree,” Sept. 4, 2023

“I would not characterize it as a problem,” said National Association of Realtors Chief Executive Bob Goldberg when asked about whether the NAR has a problem with sexual harassment. The quote came as part of a front-page story quoting multiple women who had stepped forward to accuse NAR president Kenny Parcell of advances and physical harassment. Goldberg tried to quickly regroup and say that any incident is a concern but notably lacking was any specific commitment to investigate or address the underlying issues. Whenever you say you don’t see a problem, it means there is one. Undoubtedly, more to come on this story.

The New York Times, “President of Powerful Realtors Group Is Accused of Sexual Harassment,” Aug. 29, 2023

“I don’t want to call them left,” said Republican Congressman Ken Buck on reports that he was disillusioned with Congress and was exploring a job with CNN. His actual quote was, “I am interested in talking to folks at CNN and other news organizations — on the, I don't want to call them left, but sort of center-left — and having an opportunity to do that full-time or do that as a contributor would be great also.” The New York Post, which broke the story reported that Buck called back the next day to say he was open to Fox News, too. Which makes him? Interested in anyone who will hire him. 

American Liberty News, “Disillusioned House Republican Open To Working At CNN,” Sept. 20, 2023


Some people say, "I never talk to the press so I don’t need media training." Oh yes you do! Look no further than the interview in The New York Times with Rolling Stone Magazine founder, Jann Wenner. "Insofar as the women, just none of them were as articulate enough on this intellectual level,” said Wenner explaining why his new book, “The Masters,” did not include women. When pressed further why he also didn't include any Blacks artists, Wenner said, "I mean, they just didn't articulate at that level." If there was ever an illustration of why someone needed media training, this is it. Wenner, who was summarily kicked off the Board of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame – which he co-founded! – managed to offend virtually everyone. Joni Michell? “not a philosopher of rock 'n roll.” Why no Black artists? Well, Stevie Wonder may have been a “genius,” but does not meet "a word as broad as masters." None of the names The New York Times interviewer tossed out during the interview made it into the “masters” category, including Madonna. Predicably, the reaction was swift and fierce. Wenner made it worse by musing that he wished he had included a woman and Black performer to avoid the PR flap. The day after the interview was published, his publisher, Little Brown, issued a statement ostensibly from Wenner but bearing all the hallmarks of PR mop-up, apologizing. The sad part is that the statement was what he should have said in the first place – that these few interviews represented moments in his career. The lesson? Another example of a disaster which never should have happened. Good advice would have anticipated this and, at the very least, planned a follow-up book with a broader focus. And prior to the interview, the questions should have absolutely been anticipated and the responses rehearsed.

The New York Times, “Jann Wenner Defends His Legacy, and His Generation’s,” Sept. 19, 2023


The BIMBO Memo is a reminder not to repeat and deny a negative word because of how the listener hears words. When you repeat and deny a negative word, the listener is likely to overlook the denial and hear the opposite of what the speaker is trying to say. It’s named for the young woman who was caught with a high profile, but alas married man. She held a press conference and announced, “I am not a BIMBO,” thus causing everyone to think she was. 

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