Bimbo Banter

2022 BIMBO of the Year

  • Bimbo
  • December 16, 2022
  • by Spaeth Communications

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At the end of every year, the Spaeth team evaluates the winning BIMBO comments from each month and selects the best (worst) comment of the year (check of the 2021BIMBO of the Year). We are excited to reveal the winning BIMBO comments of 2022 below. Hint—a little birdie told us. Here's to a wonderful 2023 and the communication gaffes that keep us in business.


Twitter “cannot become a free-for-all hellscape, where anything can be said with no consequences!" said Elon Musk, in a message to advertisers, as he took possession of Twitter, as seen in the December 2022 BIMBO Memo


He “is not a violent person; he doesn’t walk around the streets of NJ looking like Hitler,” wrote Cynthia Hughes, the adoptive aunt of Timothy Hale-Cusanelli who was sentenced to four years in federal prison after storming the Capitol on January 6, 2021, as seen in the October 2022 BIMBO Memo

“Our clients did nothing illegal. Even if it looks inflammatory, they did nothing illegal,” said Phillip Linder, an attorney for Oath Keeper leader Stewart Rhodes, as seen in the November 2022 BIMBO Memo


The BIMBO Memo is a reminder not to repeat and deny a negative word because of how the listener hears words. When you repeat and deny a negative word, the listener is likely to overlook the denial and hear the opposite of what the speaker is trying to say. It’s named for the young woman who was caught with a high profile, but alas married man. She held a press conference and announced, “I am not a BIMBO,” thus causing everyone to think she was.

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